
Neighbor Needs

The Tapestry Social Network is people caring about their neighbors, creating resiliency, and restoring a natural support system through connection and faith.

Re-Weaving the Social Fabric of our neighborhoods.

The Tapestry Social Network are people within the neigborhood who care about their neighbors and allow their neighbors to connect with them for resources in time of need.   A key part of the Tapestry Vision is for the church — the Body of Christ — to rise in true community with one another and “bear one another’s burdens.”

The Neighbor Needs Network is an initiative to establish resources and assistance for the people in our local communities whenever they need it most.  It may be a need for transportation, home repair, meal preparation, or an old-fashioned barn raising!  Whatever the need, the Vision encourages individual members of the Body of Christ to meet that need, share God’s love, and declare that the Kingdom of God is alive and well.





The Tapestry Vision offers an opportunity for you to use your God-given skills, talents and abilities while building lasting relationships with other like-minded Believers in true “community”.  Find YOUR thread and tie into this beautiful tapestry God is weaving!